Miss Elvy’s Curious School of the Wild

Hot off the press!

Starting in September I will be offering a group for babies, toddlers and pre school children and their carers, each week in term time for exploring NATURE!  We will use story, making, movement, creativity and song to explore the natural world.  The sessions will be run from a venue that are both indoors and out and each session will have an outdoors element no matter what the weather, but there will always be a nice cosy indoors to return to.

Specific details are TBC but will be posted here asap!


Using forest school principles, lots of art and drama, movement and singing it will be just AMAZING.  Materials used will be natural, recycled and sustainable and themes followed will be all about the natural world.

This group for young ones is the first seedling sprouting of a much bigger project that will grow into something mighty and available for other groups, families, schools and the community.  Keep checking back for updates!……………

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